2020 Garden Tour

Posted on | Programs

Native Gardens Through the Seasons: A Virtual Walk 



Get a virtual, behind-the-scenes look at three gorgeous, Oak Park and Berwyn native gardens though the seasons! 

To help keep everyone safe during the pandemic, we transformed our annual garden walk into a live webinar. If you missed the webinar, you can watch the “tour” here: Virtual Tour Recording

You’ll learn from three outstanding home gardeners who together bring more than 50 years of experience of gardening with native plants.


  • How three particular native gardens perform year-round.The fascinating birds, butterflies, native bees and other beneficial wildlife our featured gardens attract. 
  • How you can bring native plants into your own yard.
  • Practical, hands-on information and tips to help you see how affordable and rewarding native gardening can be.
  • The importance of nurturing the soil.
  • Spring maintenance practices.
  • Plants that can transform shady understories and other difficult areas.  
  • And more!


This program is free, but we appreciate your voluntary $10 donation to help us support current and future programming and grants that promote a healthy environment for us all. 

Register here


Adrian Fisher is a West Cook Wild Ones board member, Forest Preserves of Cook County site steward and rare plant monitor, blogger at https://www.ecologicalgardening.net and former sustainability coordinator at Triton College. 




Candace Blank is membership director for West Cook Wild Ones. She gardens on a lovely lot-and-a-half in Berwyn.





Stephanie Walquist, co-founder of West Cook Wild Ones, has been gardening for butterflies for 17 years and is a parent of children who have been very involved in the garden.

West Cook Wild Ones and the Interfaith Green Network are proud to present this live webinar.