

Native Plant Seed Collection and Propagation

This event has ended
Sunday, September 15th, 2024
to (Central Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Please join us for a presentation on Native Plant Seed Collection and Propagation with Charlotte Blome of the Shedd Aquarium on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 2:30 pm (Central Time)

Growing native plants from seed is a great way to increase biodiversity in your garden. Even better according to Charlotte-it's easy! She had been successfully raising plants for many years for the Shedd Aquarium. Charlotte will walk us through many lessons on seed collection, preparation, propagation and planting for the home gardener.

Please be advised that collecting seeds from the wild requires permission of the landowner or caretaker. Collecting from nature preserves is poaching and illegal. As a home gardener your best bet may be collecting from seed catalogs or from friends.

Speaker Bio

Charlotte Blome manages the horticulture program at the Shedd Aquarium. She oversees planning, maintenance, and development of the gardens. Charlotte prioritizes building the soil in the gardens. She is responsible for promoting conservation, environmental stewardship through educational programming.

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