Contact Us

Board Members

West Cook Wild Ones’s primary goals as an organization are to advocate for native plants, to restore ecosystems, and to provide environmental education. We do this by educating others through networking, educational programs, chapter activities and other events.  To stay up to date on our events and programs, join our e-mail newsletter list.  We send it out about 2x per month: West Cook Wild Ones Newsletter Sign-up

To contact any officer or for general information, please complete the form below:

Contact Us
West Cook Board Members

President: Laura Hartwell Berlin
Vice-President: Stephanie Walquist
Treasurer: Sharon Storbeck
Membership: Candace Blank
Website/Newsletter/Communications: Stephanie Walquist, Byron Lanning
Programs: Laura Hartwell Berlin, Adrian Fisher 
Volunteers: Laura Hartwell Berlin
Grants: Douglas Chien
Native Plant Sale: Sharon Storbeck, Carolyn Cullen
Advocacy: Adrian Fisher, Laura Stamp

Physical Address:

P.O. Box 1148
Oak Park, IL 60304

Press Information
Press Kit