Category: Sales

Wild Ones West Cook Accomplishments 2021

Wild Ones West Cook 2021 Accomplishments by Byron Lanning A pandemic did not prevent West Cook from carrying out its mission. We hope that amidst a time of turmoil and uncertainty, we brought you respite from that stress and hopefully you found some peace in nature, especially if it was right outside your door or […] Continue reading "Wild Ones West Cook Accomplishments 2021"

Loving on our volunteers!

What does it take to move 11,500 plants? Then organize them into 629 orders for 500 people? A lot of dedicated volunteers in a well-organized system! (Other fun facts: 580 milkweed plants of different species; 100 asters and 250 goldenrods-yay! Good news for pollinators in the fall.) There would be no West Cook Wild Ones […] Continue reading "Loving on our volunteers!"

Plants for sale

The following is our current inventory: The following are $2.50 5 * Little blue stem 3 * Woodland Brome 21 * Palm Sedge 5 * Wild garlic 25 * Prairie Milk weed 21 * Swamp Milkweed 1 * Butterfly weed 4 * Calico aster 11 * Black-eyed Susan 4 * Zig-Zag Goldenrod 5 * Wild […] Continue reading "Plants for sale"

West Cook Wild Ones 2015 Native Plant Sale

Pre-order economically-priced, local eco-type native plants for pick up at West Cook Wild Ones’  Living Landscapes: A Native Garden Conference featuring Doug Tallamy on May 17, 2015 at Dominican University.  Order here: Whether you’d like to attract birds, butterflies, and other pollinators or find unique plants for shade, sun, rain gardens, or clay soil, you’ll have […] Continue reading "West Cook Wild Ones 2015 Native Plant Sale"