2019 Garden Tour

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Birds, Bees, and Butterflies: A Native Garden Tour

Saturday, August 10, 2019

1:00–4:00 PM

Are you curious about native plant gardening? Join us on Saturday, August 10, to see gardens brimming with life and beauty and talk with the gardeners who created them.

Birds, Bees and Butterflies: A Native Garden Tour, sponsored by West Cook Wild Ones with support from PlanIt Green and the Interfaith Green Network, will feature eight gardens in Oak Park and River Forest.

tour posterEach stop on the tour is unique. You’ll meet a mix of master gardeners and passionate hobbyists, who garden not only for their own enjoyment, but to contribute to the health of our local ecosystem. Bring your curiosity and your questions. Whether you are just getting started or have an established native garden of your own, new discoveries await you.

Advance Purchase

Advance tickets are $7 for West Cook Wild Ones members; $10 for nonmembers and are available through August 8. More information and purchase tickets. 

Day-of-tour Tickets

Day-of-tour tickets are $12 for members, $15 for nonmembers and can be purchased at the Trailside Museum of Natural History, 738 Thatcher Avenue in River Forest.

2018 Native Garden Tour Photos