Wild About Our Volunteers

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Wild About Our Volunteers

Volunteers power our organization. Whether it’s helping with outreach (AnnMarie, Anne P, Candace), running and assisting with the yearly plant sale, maintaining public gardens (Laura, Byron), creating the newsletter, running the bi-annual conference, volunteers keep things humming along, and we are incredibly grateful for them. Here’s a spotlight on some of them.

Plant Sale:

Run by volunteer board members Carolyn and Sharon, the plant sale is a major undertaking, and they give up untold hours in preparing for the sale. After checking with vendors and plant availability, they decide what plants we’ll be selling. Then there is the Shopify site where all the descriptions and photos need to be added. Constant communication happens between Carolyn and the vendors about how the plants are doing, adjusting orders for unanticipated crop failures. Preparing for the pick-up day is Carolyn’s marathon. She prints and organizes orders. Sharon assists with the business end of things, her forte. 

Volunteers help us unload the plants and get them organized; then the individual orders are pulled and assembled. Garden kits are assembled. On the day of the plant sale, many generous volunteers help customers get their orders and plants to their cars or assist with purchasing plants available day of pick-up.  Special shout out to Dave and Holly who helped out both days, including all day on Saturday and held onto some orders too. 

Thank you volunteers: Jeanne, Sally, Don, Paminder, Kathy, Suzanne, AnnMarie , Donna, Jim, Jacquue, Laura, Lisa, Martha, Mary P, Bette, Andrew, Mary and Karl, Simone, Kath, Barbara, Candace, Charlie, Mary Susan, Laura S, Laura C, Kathy C, Denise, Lenora. 


Patrick Hogan does most of the heavy lifting with newsletters, crafting the text and standardizing the designs.

Wildlife Corridor Sign:

Board member Byron made our dream come true with getting this sign into actuality. We have long wanted a sign to announce local gardens as part of the corridor, and Byron was able to make it happen. Getting board member feedback, working with the graphic designer, and getting the order to the sign printer, was no easy feat. The sign will be available for those with native gardens to proclaim their connection to the corridor. 

Join us

If you’d like to help behind the scenes or be at the forefront, please let us know. If you have a special interest or would like to serve short-term on a committee, please complete this form: Volunteer Opportunities


Featured photo: Cassandra West